
Prenatal cardiac care: Goals, priorities & gaps in knowledge in fetal cardiovascular disease: Perspectives of the Fetal Heart Society
Document Type
Perinatal Period - Conditions Originating in Perinatal Period
Clinical Research
Heart Disease
Reproductive health and childbirth
Good Health and Well Being
Fetal echocardiography
Perinatal cardiology
Prenatal cardiology
Congenital heart disease
Multidisciplinary collaboration
Fetal therapy
Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology
Cardiovascular System & Hematology
Perinatal cardiovascular care has evolved considerably to become its own multidisciplinary field of care. Despite advancements, there remain significant gaps in providing optimal care for the fetus, child, mother, and family. Continued advancement in detection and diagnosis, perinatal care and delivery planning, and prediction and improvement of morbidity and mortality for fetuses affected by cardiac conditions such as heart defects or functional or rhythm disturbances requires collaboration between the multiple types of specialists and providers. The Fetal Heart Society was created to formalize and support collaboration between individuals, stakeholders, and institutions. This article summarizes the challenges faced to create the infrastructure for advancement of the field and the measures the FHS is undertaking to overcome the barriers to support progress in the field of perinatal cardiac care.