
Health disparity in the spread of COVID-19: Evidence from social distancing, risk of interactions, and access to testing
Document Type
Public Health
Health Sciences
Behavioral and Social Science
Basic Behavioral and Social Science
2.3 Psychological
social and economic factors
Good Health and Well Being
Physical Distancing
COVID-19 Testing
Interpersonal Relations
Health disparity
Fundamental cause theory
Public Health and Health Services
Human Geography
Health sciences
Human society
Objective- To identify and assess whether three major risk factors that due to differential access to flexible resources might help explain disparities in the spread of COVID-19 across communities with different socioeconomic status, including socioeconomic inequalities in social distancing, the potential risk of interpersonal interactions, and access to testing.MethodsAnalysis uses ZIP code level weekly COVID-19 new cases, weekly population movement flows, weekly close-contact index, and weekly COVID-19 testing sites in Southern California from March 2020 to April 2021, merged with the U.S. census data to measure ZIP code level socioeconomic status and cofounders. This study first develops the measures for social distancing, the potential risk of interactions, and access to testing. Then we employ a spatial lag regression model to quantify the contributions of those factors to weekly COVID-19 case growth.ResultsResults identify that, during the first COVID-19 wave, new case growth of the low-income group is two times higher than that of the high-income group. The COVID-19 case disparity widens to four times in the second COVID-19 wave. We also observed significant disparities in social distancing, the potential risk of interactions, and access to testing among communities with different socioeconomic status. In addition, all of them contribute to the disparities of COVID-19 incidences. Among them, the potential risk of interactions is the most important contributor, whereas testing accessibility contributes least. We also found that close-contact is a more effective measure of social distancing than population movements in examining the spread of COVID-19.Conclusion- This study answers critically unaddressed questions about health disparities in the spread of COVID-19 by assessing factors that might explain why the spread is different in different groups.