
Measurements of Ω and Λ from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae
Document Type
The Astrophysical Journal. 517(2)
Particle and High Energy Physics
Physical Sciences
cosmology : observations
distance scale
supernovae : general
Astronomical and Space Sciences
Particle and Plasma Physics
Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural)
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Astronomical sciences
Particle and high energy physics
Space sciences
We report measurements of the mass density, Omega_M, andcosmological-constant energy density, Omega_Lambda, of the universe based onthe analysis of 42 Type Ia supernovae discovered by the Supernova CosmologyProject. The magnitude-redshift data for these SNe, at redshifts between 0.18and 0.83, are fit jointly with a set of SNe from the Calan/Tololo SupernovaSurvey, at redshifts below 0.1, to yield values for the cosmologicalparameters. All SN peak magnitudes are standardized using a SN Ia lightcurvewidth-luminosity relation. The measurement yields a joint probabilitydistribution of the cosmological parameters that is approximated by therelation 0.8 Omega_M - 0.6 Omega_Lambda ~= -0.2 +/- 0.1 in the region ofinterest (Omega_M 0) = 99%, including the identified systematic uncertainties. The best-fit ageof the universe relative to the Hubble time is t_0 = 14.9{+1.4,-1.1} (0.63/h)Gyr for a flat cosmology. The size of our sample allows us to perform a varietyof statistical tests to check for possible systematic errors and biases. Wefind no significant differences in either the host reddening distribution orMalmquist bias between the low-redshift Calan/Tololo sample and ourhigh-redshift sample. The conclusions are robust whether or not awidth-luminosity relation is used to standardize the SN peak magnitudes.