
Radial Velocity Discovery of an Eccentric Jovian World Orbiting at 18 au
Document Type
The Astronomical Journal. 158(5)
Space Sciences
Physical Sciences
planets and satellites: detection
planets and satellites: fundamental parameters
stars: individual
Astronomical and Space Sciences
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Astronomical sciences
Particle and high energy physics
Based on two decades of radial velocity (RV) observations using Keck/HIRESand McDonald/Tull, and more recent observations using the Automated PlanetFinder, we found that the nearby star HR 5183 (HD 120066) hosts a 3$M_J$minimum mass planet with an orbital period of $74^{+43}_{-22}$ years. The orbitis highly eccentric (e$\simeq$0.84), shuttling the planet from within the orbitof Jupiter to beyond the orbit of Neptune. Our careful survey design enabledhigh cadence observations before, during, and after the planet's periastronpassage, yielding precise orbital parameter constraints. We searched forstellar or planetary companions that could have excited the planet'seccentricity, but found no candidates, potentially implying that the perturberwas ejected from the system. We did identify a bound stellar companion morethan 15,000 au from the primary, but reasoned that it is currently too widelyseparated to have an appreciable effect on HR 5183 b. Because HR 5183 b's wideorbit takes it more than 30 au (1") from its star, we also explored thepotential of complimentary studies with direct imaging or stellar astrometry.We found that a Gaia detection is very likely, and that imaging at 10 $\mu$m isa promising avenue. This discovery highlights the value of long-baseline RVsurveys for discovering and characterizing long-period, eccentric Jovianplanets. This population may offer important insights into the dynamicalevolution of planetary systems containing multiple massive planets.