
Muon identification with the event filter of the ATLAS experiment at CERN LHC's
Document Type
2005 14TH IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference. 2005
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN offers unprecedented challenges to the design and construction of detectors and trigger/data acquisition systems. For ATLAS, a three level trigger system has been developed to extract interesting physics signatures with a 106 rate reduction. To accomplish this, components of physics analysis traditionally deferred to offline physics analysis must be embedded within the online trigger system. For the Muon trigger, the specific off-line algorithms MOORE (Muon Object Oriented REconstruction) and MuId (Muon Iden tification) have been adopted so far for the on-line use, imposing an operation in a Bayesian-like environment where only specific hypotheses must be validated. After a short review of the ATLAS trigger, the paper shows the general strategy of the Muon Identification and Selection accessing the full event data, or being seeded from results derived at a previous stage of the trigger chain. © 2005 IEEE.