
De Sitter space is sometimes not empty
Document Type
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2024(2)
Mathematical Physics
Particle and High Energy Physics
Mathematical Sciences
Physical Sciences
Gauge-Gravity Correspondence
de Sitter space
2D Gravity
Black Holes
Particle and Plasma Physics
Quantum Physics
Nuclear & Particles Physics
Mathematical physics
Nuclear and plasma physics
Particle and high energy physics
Abstract : Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the Hilbert space of an isolated de Sitter universe is one dimensional but can appear larger when probed by a gravitating observer. To test this idea, we compute the von Neumann entropy of a field theory in a two-dimensional de Sitter universe which is entangled in a thermal-like state with the same field theory on a disjoint, asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) black hole. Previously, it was shown that the replica trick for computing the entropy of such entangled gravitating systems requires the inclusion of a non-perturbative effect in quantum gravity — novel wormholes connecting the two spaces. Here we show that: (a) the expected wormholes connecting de Sitter and AdS universes exist, avoiding a no-go theorem via the presence of sources on the AdS boundary; (b) the entanglement entropy vanishes if the nominal entropy of the de Sitter cosmological horizon $$ \left({S}_{\textrm{dS}}={A}_{\textrm{horizon}}^{\textrm{dS}}/4{G}_{\textrm{N}}\right) $$ S dS = A horizon dS / 4 G N is less than the entropy of the AdS black hole horizon $$ \left({S}_{\textrm{BH}}={A}_{\textrm{horizon}}^{\textrm{AdS}}/4{G}_{\textrm{N}}\right) $$ S BH = A horizon AdS / 4 G N , i.e., SdS< SBH; (c) the entanglement entropy is finite when SdS > SBH. Thus, the de Sitter Hilbert space is effectively nontrivial only when SdS > SBH. The AdS black hole we introduce can be regarded as an “observer” for de Sitter space. In this sense, our result is a non-perturbative generalization of the recent perturbative argument that the algebra of observables on the de Sitter static patch becomes nontrivial in the presence of an observer.