
Kinetic drop friction
Document Type
Nature, Nature Communications. 14(1):1-10
Liquid drops sliding on tilted surfaces is an everyday phenomenon and is important for many industrial applications. Still, it is impossible to predict the drop’s sliding velocity. To make a step forward in quantitative understanding, we measured the velocity $$(U)$$ ( U ) , contact width $$(w)$$ ( w ) , contact length $$(L)$$ ( L ) , advancing $$({\theta }_{{{{{{\rm{a}}}}}}})$$ ( θ a ) , and receding contact angle $$({\theta }_{{{{{{\rm{r}}}}}}})$$ ( θ r ) of liquid drops sliding down inclined flat surfaces made of different materials. We find the friction force acting on sliding drops of polar and non-polar liquids with viscosities ( $${\eta }$$ η ) ranging from 10−3 to 1 $${{{{{\rm{Pa}}}}}}\cdot {{{{{\rm{s}}}}}}$$ Pa ⋅ s can empirically be described by $${F}_{{{{{{\rm{f}}}}}}}(U)={F}_{0}+\beta w\eta U$$ F f ( U ) = F 0 + β w η U for a velocity range up to 0.7 ms−1. The dimensionless friction coefficient $$(\beta )$$ ( β ) defined here varies from 20 to 200. It is a material parameter, specific for a liquid/surface combination. While static wetting is fully described by $${\theta }_{{{{{{\rm{a}}}}}}}$$ θ a and $${\theta }_{{{{{{\rm{r}}}}}}}$$ θ r , for dynamic wetting the friction coefficient is additionally necessary.