
Influence of Physico-functional Characteristics and Germination Effect on Gelation Property of Flour/Isolates from Two Varieties (DAS & BS) of Nigerian Cultivated Solojo Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L. W
Document Type
International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation. 8(4):17-28
Influence of Physico-functional Characteristics and Germination Effect on Gelation Property of the floor and isolates from the two varieties (DAS & BS) of Nigeria cultivated solojo cowpeas were investigated. Results show that germination improved the gelation capacity of the FFDAS as it brought the Least Gelation Concentration (LGC) from 4%w/v to 2%w/v except for 6 h and 72 h germination; likewise, FFBS had its LGC improve with germination from 4%w/v to 2%w/v, except for 6 h. The protein isolates of DAS and BS also had improved LGC with germination, going from 14%w/v to 6%w/v and 16%w/v to 8%w/v respectively. Gelation property of raw (native/ control) and germinated Dark-ash Solojo Cowpea (FFDAS, DFDAS, FFBS and DFBS flours; DAS and BS protein isolate) was influenced by germination and physico-functional characteristics. The four flour samples, FFDAS, DFDAS, FFBS and DFBS as well as the two protein isolates exhibited some variations in gelation property. The protein isolates gave stiff paste instead of regular gel, going from, DAS, 18 – 4% and BS, 18 – 6%. Disparity in gelling properties observed, may be as a result of the proportion of diverse components for example proteins, fat and carbohydrate in the various legume flours. The prevalent charges on the exterior of the proteins, which is affected by pH, causes variation in the balance between the polar and non-polar residues, thereby bringing about differences in gelation.