
The role of the social economy in the welfare regimes. An alternative to explore in time of crisis
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Center for Open Science, SocArXiv.
In the main areas of the welfare regimes, as education, health, housing, employ or social prevision, we can find teorical points of view about the public (sinonimous of State), the private (sinonimous of tradicional capitalism model) and the third sector (sinonimous of voluntary action). In this important areas, the social economy is able to articulate a proposal that understand the public as the comunitary, the private as a market who is able to empoderate the people and the third sector as a social participation area by the economical activity. In this way, we can notice that the social economy offer specific solutions and efficient models in each social area: education cooperatives, health cooperatives, housing cooperatives, mutualism movement, social enterprises... etc. All of them can play an important role lessening the crisis impact and proposing alternative solutions.