
Modellprojekt zur Förderung von Durchlässigkeit und Inklusion bei der beruflichen Ausbildung von Rehabilitanden - 'TINA - Trägergestützte inklusive Ausbildung' - Endbericht der Begleitforsch
Document Type
Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany], IAB-Forschungsbericht.
"With the model project TINA - inclusive vocational training at rehabilitation providers the Regional Directorate of Bavaria of the Federal Employment Agency wanted to tap the potential of young people with disabilities who are beginning their vocational training at a rehabilitation provider even better. The evaluation oft the project was carried out by InterVal GmbH in cooperation with the University of Magdeburg. The focus of the project was in particular to support the transition to a less intensively supervised form of vocational training in accordance with the individual devel-opments of the young people and to lead them to a successful graduation of the vocational train-ing. For this purpose, the young people were to be accompanied during their training continuously by a contact person (mentor) and also had the opportunity to switch back to a more supervised form of vocational training. The project started in 2013 at three rehabilitation providers at two lo-cations in Bavaria. For the evaluation, the first two training cohorts with a total of 74 trainees were examined, for which extensive data was collected with the help of guided interviews as well as written surveys. The results of the evaluation show that the innovative flexibilisation of vocational training in the context of TINA has proven itself in principle and should be continued. Nonetheless, aspects such as the design of access to TINA, the collaboration with learning places like schools and businesses, the mentoring concept and incentives for the providers when switiching the form of vocational training should be further optimised." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))