
Usability of an eLearning Professional Development Program for Elementary Classroom Teachers: ASSIST for Disruptive Classroom Behaviours
Document Type
Canadian Center of Science and Education, Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology. 14(1-10):1-1
An eLearning professional development (PD) program, ASSIST for Disruptive Classroom Behaviour, was developed using an iterative user-centred design approach. This program was designed to support teachers in the implementation of teacher-implemented in-class interventions for disruptive classroom behaviour (DCB). The objective of the current study was to determine the usability of this program. Overall, the results suggest that end-users (i.e., classroom teachers) and stakeholders (i.e., administrators, specialized teachers, school psychologists, and behaviour specialists) found the program to have high usability and reported that it was ready to be used by other teachers, that they found it flexible to adapt to their classroom setting; they provided high satisfaction ratings for this program. In addition to the positive findings, the primary constructive feedback was that tangible downloadable materials should be added to the ASSIST for Disruptive Classroom Behaviour program to meet classroom teachers’ needs better. Based on all results, the program, with a few minor modifications, was deemed ready for effectiveness testing.