
Денежная парадигма рыночного хозяйства: ретроспективный анализ и футуристические императивы // The Monetary Paradigm of the Market Economy: Retrospective analysis and futuristic Imperatives
Document Type
ФГОБУВО Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации // Financial University under The Government of Russian Federation, Финансы: теория и практика/Finance: Theory and Practice // Finance: Theory and Practice. 22(5):154-168
The review article positions the materials of the results of the VI International scientifc-practical conference, the content of which is considered from a special angle — through the phenomenon of market economies. Within the framework of the forum, the understanding of the past (in theoretical and applied terms) market model of management and the search for new sources of economic growth were carried out, the fnancial problems accompanying the genesis and evolution of economic life were discussed. The high level of discussion can be judged by the participation in the conference of such well-known post-Soviet scientists as R.M. Nureyev (Russia), B.S. Myrzaliyev (Kazakhstan), G.I. Ganush (Belarus), G.L. Sargsyan (Armenia), N.u. uzakov (uzbekistan) and others. In accordance with the program of the conference, special attention was paid to the analysis of debatable historical, economic, institutional, reproductive and transformational aspects of the phenomenon of the market system of management, explicated through the prism of monetary and fnancial relations. Materials of the conference actualize the development of evolutionary, institutional and interdisciplinary aspects of economic science, as a stage in the deepening of the existing system of knowledge about the phenomenon (objects) that make up the latest areas of Theoretical Economics, and their relationship, revealing a wide range of discussion of methodological and theoretical problems of the phenomenon of market economy. Of particular scientifc and practical interest are the opinions of the forum participants, reflecting the state and vectors of development of modern scientific knowledge in the feld of fnancial instruments of commodity-money relations, showing “bottlenecks” in this segment of economic science. A number of generalizing conclusions and recommendations are aimed at solving problems that are relevant to modern society, such as: strengthening the confrontation between the national and global economy