
The Global Publication Output in Augmented Reality Research: A Scientometric Assessment for 1992-2019
Document Type
Academic Journal
International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology. 2020-06 10(2):51-69
Augment reality
Computer Vision
Global publications
This paper describes global research in the field of augmented reality (22078) as indexed in Scopus database during 1992-2019, using a series of bibliometric indicators. The augmented reality (AR) research registered high 54.23% growth, averaged citation impact of 8.90 citations per paper. Nearly 1% of global output in the subject (226 papers) registered high-end citations (100+) per paper. The top 15 countries accounted for 87.05% of global publications output in the subject. The USA is in leadership position for its highest publications productivity (19.25% global share). The U.K. leads the world on relative citation index (2.05). International collaboration has been a major driver of AR research pursuits; between 11.89% and 44.04% of national share of top 15 countries in AR research appeared as international collaborative publications. AR research productivity by application types was the largest across sectors, such as education, industry and medical. Computer science has emerged as the most popular areas in AR research pursuits. Technical University of Munich, Germany and Osaka University, Japan have been the most productive organizations and Nara Institute of S&T, Japan (66.55 and 7.48) and Imperial College, London, U.K. (57.14 and 6.42) have been the most impactful organizations. M. Billinghurst and N. Navab have been the most productive authors and S. Feiner and B. MacIntyre have been the most impactful authors. IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, Multimedia Tools & Applications and Virtual Reality topped the list of most productive journals.