
Epitaxial Growth of Boron-doped Si Film using a Thin Large-grained Si Seed Layer for Thin-film Si Solar Cells
Document Type
Academic Journal
Current Photovoltaic Research. 2014-03 2(1):1-7
Polycrystalline Si film
epitaxial growth
Al-induced crystal growth
vapor induced crystallization
We developed a method of growing thin Si film at 600°Cby hot wire CVD using a very thin large-grained poly-Si seed layer for thin-film Si solar cells. The seed layer was prepared by crystallizing an amorphous Si film by vapor-induced crystallization using AlCl₃ vapor. The average grain size of the p-type epitaxial Si layer was about 20 μm and crystallographic defects in the epitaxial layer were mainly low-angle grain boundaries and coincident-site lattice boundaries, which are special boundaries with less electrical activity. Moreover, with a decreasing in-situ boron doping time, the mis-orientation angle between grain boundaries and in-grain defects in epitaxial Si decreased. Due to fewer defects, the epitaxial Si film was high quality evidenced from Raman and TEM analysis. The highest mobility of 360 ㎠/V·s was achieved by decreasing the in-situ boron doping time. The performance of our preliminary thin-film solar cells with a single-side HIT structure and CoSi2 back contact was poor. However, the result showed that the epitaxial Si film has considerable potential for improved performance with a reduced boron doping concentration.

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