
Identification of Microorganisms and Cluster Structure in Korean Ganjang using Next Generation Sequencing Method
Document Type
Academic Journal
한국조리학회지Culinary Science & Hospitality Research. 2023-02 29(2):1-7
Korean Ganjang
Cluster analysis
This study analyzed Korean Ganjang, a fermented health food, using the next-generation sequencing method. Through this analysis, the identification of microorganisms were identified by confirming the proportion of specific Korean Ganjang species by region such as Gangwon (AS), Gyeonggi (BS), Chungcheong (CS), Jeolla (DS), Gyeongsang (ES), and Jeju (FS). Looking at the proportion of the species level of bacterial distribution through the next generation sequencing of Korean Ganjang, in the AS sample, Staphylococcus capitis subsp. uralyticus accounted for 26.29%, followed by Staphylococcus hominis subsp. noobiosepticus 17.54% and Peptoniphilus gorbachii 14.63%. In the BS sample, Chromohalobacter beijerinckii accounted for 93.34%. In the CS sample, Staphylococcus capitis subsp. uralyticus 20.70%, followed by Enterococcus durans 19.32%, and Staphylococcus hominis subsp. noobiosepticus 10.90%. In the DS sample, Tetragenococcus halophilus subsp. halophilus DSM 20339 accounted for 70.97%, followed by Tetragenococcus halophilus subsp. flandriensis 27.90%. In the ES sample, Halanaerobium fermentans accounted for 35.95%, followed by Chromohalobacter beijerinckkii 31.26%, and Tetragenococcus halophilus subsp. halophilus DSM 20339 15.00%. In the FS sample, Bacillus licheniformis accounted for 33.38%, Staphylococcus capitis subsp. uralyticus 15.31%, Tetragenococcus halophilus subsp. halophilus DSM 20339 10.33%, and Chromohalobacter bezinii were 8.43%. To compare the bacterial community between Ganjang samples, an UPGMA dendrogram analysis using OTU was conducted. As a result, among the six samples, AS, CS, and FS samples were located relatively close to each other in a similar cluster structure, and BS and ES were also confirmed to be similar. It was confirmed that the DS sample had a different microbial cluster structure from other Ganjang samples.

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