
The Athletics of Higher Education Ranking Race in South Korea
Document Type
한국교육행정학회 학술연구발표회논문집. 2022-12 2022(12):169-192
university rankings
glonacal agency heuristic
institutional practice
glonacal heuristic
이 논문은 한국의 4년제 대학 3곳을 중심으로 대학 평가에 대응하는 대학운영 활동을 질적 데이터에 기반한 다중 사례연구로 탐구하였다. 연구문제는 1) “대학 평가가 사례 대학의 운영에 어떠한 영향을 끼치는가?” 2) “각 대학이 세계, 국가, 지역 수준의 고등교육 에이전시와 어떻게 상호작용하고 있는가?”이다. 이를 위한 이론적 틀로서 Glonacal heuristic과 대학 운영의 6개 분야를 결합하여 활용하였다. 연구 결과 사례 대학은 순위 향상을 위해 유사한 노력을 기울였다. 그러나 각 대학은 대학 평가를 다르게 인식하고 있었으며 이 차이는 세계, 국가, 지역 수준의 고등교육 에이전시들과의 상호작용 차이에서 비롯되었다.
This study examines institutional practices implemented in response to university rankings of three four-year institutions in South Korea based on a glonacal agency heuristic. Through a multiple-case study based on qualitative evidence, this study explored how the Korean institutions responded to global and national university rankings in the different areas of institutional practices and how the local, national, and global agencies of higher education interact with the institutions in those practices. Key findings of this study include a better understanding of the institutions’ wide range of efforts to enhance their ranking positions through implementation of various initiatives for organization, curriculum, faculty, research, students, and marketing. Despite the similarities of existing practices, the case institutions interpreted and responded to the rankings in quite different ways depending on their goals, hierarchical positions, resources, and challenges. These differences came from the multifaceted interactions each institution had with various agencies of higher education at the global, national, and local levels. The findings underscored the importance of exploring higher education phenomenon both from the perspective of individual institutions and expansive glonacal higher education systems. This study concluded with the implications of the study for universities and agencies of higher education.

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