
취약계층 고령자를 위한 단백질 강화 식단 개발
Document Type
Academic Journal
동아시아식생활학회지. 2024-02 34(1):39-54
development of diet
protein-enhanced diet
socially vulnerable populations
This research aimed to develop menu items and diet plans that contain more than 30 grams of protein in every meal to enhance the preferences and overall health of vulnerable older community members. We divided the 181 menus analyzed into four groups: high-protein menus (≥11 g of protein), medium-protein menus (≥7 g but <11 g), low-protein menus (≥3 g but <7 g), and vegetable menus (<3 g of protein). Significant differences in energy, protein, and fat levels were observed between these menu groups (p<0.001). Two hundred menu items were developed that differed significantly in energy, protein, carbohydrate, and fat contents (p<0.001). Seventy diets with added protein ingredients were developed that supplied 635.92± 65.98 kcal of energy, 31.85±3.69 g of protein, 92.61±7.68 g of carbohydrates, and 13.91±5.16 g of fat on average and met Korean dietary guidelines for 2020. The average cost per meal was 2149.47±417.09 Korean won. Protein-enhanced diets that contain more than 30 g per meal can enhance preference satisfaction and the health of vulnerable elderly individuals. Further research incorporating health indicators and satisfaction measures is needed to address the needs of an aging society.

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