
Method for pain relief using low power laser light
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The invention comprises a method for treatment of chronic and referred pain such as chronic headaches and migraine headaches, as well as pain of the upper back, neck and shoulders, and lower back pain using low power laser light. The source of such referred pain involves microscopic and macroscopic tears in the periosteal-osseous junctions of the upper vertebrae, the scapula, and the skull. These lesions stimulate the generation of histamines, kinins, bradykinins, prostaglandin, proteolytic enzymes, seratonin, and other substances which cause numerous localized autonomic reactions, such as muscle spasm, ischemia, local inflammation, edema, as well as generalized reactions such as increased blood pressure, photophobia, nausea, blurred vision, copious mucous flow of the nose and sinus, and the like. The muscle spasms are responsible for transmitting the pain sensation to other portions of the body, and the systemic reactions are often associated with migraine-type headaches. The sites of the periosteal-osseous lesions can be correlated directly with the distant locus of the referred pain sensation. The laser energy is directed to the sites of the lesions to cause an increase in lymphatic circulation at the site of the causative lesion in response to the laser energy. Laser energy delivered to the site results in increased blood circulation and cellular metabolism in the area, which promotes more rapid healing of the lesion.