
Data processing system for locally updating customer data distributed by a host computer to a remote facility and for returning the updated customer data to the host computer
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A customer data processing system includes a host computer for managing customer data and a plurality of processors interconnected with the host computer through telecommunications lines. The host computer has a first storage unit for storing customer data and a customer data batch extracting unit for extracting customer data with a high frequency of use out of the customer data stored therein and for transmitting the extracted customer data in a batch to the processors at predetermined times. Each processor has a second storage unit for storing the customer data fed in a batch from the host computer and local updating unit for updating customer data stored in the second storage unit when a transaction with a customer is concluded. Each processor also has a remote updating unit for updating customer data stored in the host computer through the telecommunications line. Also, each processor has a customer data batch updating unit for transmitting the customer data updated in the local updating unit to the host computer in batch at a predetermined times. In this way, transactions can be processed at high speed, resulting in improved efficiency and security against tapping and so forth.