
Morphometry of the human knee joint and prediction for osteoarthritis
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Apparatus and method for analyzing the morphometry of a human knee joint. The apparatus comprises: image receiving means for receiving a digital image of a knee joint; image analysis means comprising an Active Shape Model (ASM) configured to identify a set of landmark points on said image, wherein said set of landmark points includes points which define regions of the knee formed by the femur and the tibia, the ASM being further configured to generate an image data-set from the co-ordinates of said landmark points; and data comparison means for comparing said image data-set with one or more comparative data-sets to thereby obtain value(s) for one or more output modes which characterize the variation of the image data-set from the comparative data-set(s), to thereby provide an indication of the presence and/or severity of osteoarthritis in the knee and/or the risk of the knee joint developing osteoarthritis.