
Method and apparatus for effecting the prospective forewarning diagnosis of sudden brain death and heart death and other brain-heart-body growth maladies such as schizophrenia and cancer and the like
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A method and apparatus for effecting the prospective forewarning diagnosis of sudden brain or heart death or other brain-heart and growth malady in a person comprises measuring the T-3 factor of the person, measuring the alpha frequency of the brain of a person as a function of the person's pulse rate, calculating the heart and brain weight as volume x specific gravity as a function of the alpha frequency, pulse and the T-3 factor and comparing the measured T-3 factor and the calculated heart and brain weight as volume x specific gravity to the normal values for the person's age. The deviation from the normal values is indicative of a prospective forewarning of sudden heart or brain death or other brain-heart and growth malady and effects the forewarning diagnosis thereof.