
Web calendar architecture and uses thereof
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An architecture for facilitating Web-based client-side calendar event scheduling includes a Web Calendar scheduling tool which takes input via either a mouse and/or a keyboard to achieve a) an Internet personal organizer, b) multimedia effects associated with scheduled events, c) an Internet groupware that shares group members' individual schedules, d) an Internet transaction associated with scheduled events, and e) an open platform that supports any Java applet. Users of the Web Calendar can schedule events, associate a special purpose Capplet.TM. with scheduled events, and store them for future reference or public use. It features concurrent Capplet.TM. views running under one of four calendar grids: yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily. The architecture also supports multimedia animation in pop-up windows whose dimensions are defined dynamically by an invocation method. It is an open platform on which any user can create a special purpose applet and run it on the Web Calendar.