
Portable alarm video recording and transmitting device
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A portable alarm video recording and transmitting device includes first and second component units in wireless communications with each other, the first component unit includes illuminating apparatus for providing lighting and is in communication with audiovisual recording apparatus for capturing and recording pictorial images and audio generating recorded video images that are converted to an electronic signal that is transmitted to the second component unit's communicating apparatus. The second component unit includes an alarm circuit that includes communicating, location determining, and alarm notification apparatus, wherein the communicating apparatus receives the electronic signal from the first component unit's communicating apparatus and is in electrical communication with the location determining apparatus for determining the location of the second component unit and by extension the wearer, with apparatus for encoding the location in the alarm signal transmitted by the second component unit's communicating apparatus along with recorded video images to a monitoring station remote from where the wearer's location, wherein recorded video images may be monitored in real-time. Incoming alarm notification from the remote monitoring station may be received alerting the wearer of impending danger.