
Method and system for ambient air scenting and disinfecting based on flexible, autonomous liquid atomizer cartridges and an intelligent networking thereof
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An apparatus for freshening air, including a base unit; a power supply operably connected to the base unit; a driving and switching circuit connected to be powered by the power supply; a first plug portion connected to the driving and switching circuit; a detachable autonomous liquid droplet dispensing cartridge detachably engagable with the first plug portion. The detachable cartridge has (a) a second plug portion matingly engagable with the first plug portion, (b) a first airless bag for storing a first nebulizable liquid, (c) a second airless bag for storing a second nebulizable liquid, and (d) a casing enclosing the first bag and the second bag. A nebulizer is provided so that a first nebulizable liquid flows from the first bag and the second nebulizable liquid flows from the second bag so that the first nebulizable liquid and the second nebulizable liquid are nebulized by the nebulizer.