
Chip scale packaging method
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A chip scale packaging method is used to package a single-sided substrate and one or more semiconductor chips. The nonconductive surface of the substrate is provided with one or more chip-implanting adhesive areas by stenciling. The adhesive areas are provided with one or more through holes. The chips are implanted in the adhesive areas of the substrate such that the active surface of each chip is in contact with the adhesive area, and that the bonding pads of the active surface of the chip are corresponding in location to the through holes. Upon completion of the chip implantation, the substrate and the implanted chips are heated under pressure before the bonding pads are connected with the conductive surface of the substrate by a plurality of metal bonding wires. The chips and the through holes are subsequently provided with a passivation layer. Finally, the conductive surface of the substrate is implanted with a plurality of spherical bonding points in a grid array fashion.