
Automatic transfer and expansion of application-specific data for display at a website
Document Type
Disclosed are methods, systems and computer software products for publishing, or displaying, structured data at a website, such that information structures specified by application-specific data generated at a client can be transferred to a server to be automatically expanded into corresponding information structures displayable by a website. Thus, for example, a user may produce a structured document using a program such as Microsoft Project, and wish to have it displayed at a website for display to other members of a work group. According to the present invention, the user executes a web browser, accesses the system's webpage, and drags and drops an icon representing the application-specific structured data onto an Inbox Control displayed on the website. The system of the present invention converts the application-specific data into source-independent data and transfers the data to the server. The server, in accordance with the received source-independent data, either creates or modifies information structures corresponding to the information structures specified by the application-generated structured data for display at the web site.