
Play card
Document Type
Disclosed is a play card 10 which has a folded configuration and an unfolded configuration displaying a raised, or pop-up, figure on a base for the card. The play card 10 comprises a generally rectangular, single, unitary sheet material 12 with a plurality of score lines 22, 24, 14, 34, 15, 60 that are perpendicular to the longitudinal axis x of the sheet material and are each respectively positioned inward from the leading and trailing edges of the sheet material at precise locations. The sheet material 12 is folded inward along certain score lines to provide a base section 16, a central section 18, a back section 20, including a front panel 26, a connector panel 30, and a top panel 28 having a portion of the figure die-cut in outline form into the top panel. The central section 18 is folded to bring the connector panel 30 into an abutting relationship with a portion of the central section 18, and attached thereto to provide a collapsible box-like base structure 50 with a gap 42 between the connector panel and this portion. The gap 42 receives and holds the leading edge 12c of the sheet material 12 when the play card 10 is in the unfolded configuration.