
Sociodemographic and behavioral factors associated with COVID-19 stigmatizing attitudes in the U.S.
Document Type
Journal Article
Grivel, Margaux M., ORCID 0000-0002-8856-143X. Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York University School of Global Public Health, New York, NY, US, mg5757@nyu.edu; Lieff, Sarah A., ORCID 0000-0001-6177-7321. Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York University School of Global Public Health, New York, NY, US; Meltzer, Gabriella Y., ORCID 0000-0002-6885-9730. Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York University School of Global Public Health, New York, NY, US; Chang, Virginia W., ORCID 0000-0003-4995-6989. Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York University School of Global Public Health, New York, NY, US; Yang, Lawrence H.. Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York University School of Global Public Health, New York, NY, US; Des Jarlais, Don C.. Department of Epidemiology, New York University School of Global Public Health, New York, NY, US
Stigma and Health, Vol 6(4), Nov, 2021. pp. 371-379.
*Interpersonal Interaction; *Intervention; *News Media; *Stigma; *COVID-19; Anxiety; Attitudes; Chinese Cultural Groups; Health Knowledge; Social Media
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