
Triangular Scanning Magnet in Sputtering Tool Moving Over Larger Triangular Target
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A sputtering chamber contains a plurality of substantially triangular targets supported by a top wall. The targets have narrow ends pointing toward a center of the top wall. Above each target is a relatively small substantially triangular magnet. Each magnet is connected to a single central actuator that scans all magnets back and forth through an arc across its associated target. Each magnet is also movably connected to an arm connected to the central scanning actuator. A linear actuator moves each magnet up and down the arm simultaneously with the angular scanning movement. The combination of the simultaneous angular movement and linear movement (perpendicular to the arc) of the magnet causes each magnet to move only over a substantially triangular area corresponding to an area of an associated target. In one embodiment, the linear speed of the magnets is varied to achieve uniform erosion of the target.