
Method Of In-Vitro Detection And Quantification Of HIV DNA By Quantitative PCR
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Process for the detection and quantification in-vitro of HIV DNA by quantitative PCR. The invention consists of developing pairs of oligonucleotides capable of hybridizing with fragments of the gag gene sequence present in the genome of the HIV virus. These oligonucleotides permit amplification of the viral DNA by quantitative PCR. Even in the case of samples with low viral load, the invention permits detection of the HIV DNA virus by juxtaposition either of a conventional PCR with a quantitative PCR, or with a double nested quantitative PCR, using different pairs of primers in each amplification. The invention, compared with the known methods, allows determining qualitatively and quantitatively, in-vitro, the presence of HIV DNA in samples, in a rapid, reproducible manner and with high sensitivity.