
Age-related impairments in operant DMTP performance in the PS2APP mouse, a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimerʼs disease
Document Type
Academic Journal
Behavioural Brain Research. Jun 01, 2005 161(2):220-228
One of the earliest signs of Alzheimerʼs disease (AD) is loss of memory for recent events. This deficit in short term memory has been characterised in mild/moderate AD patients as a delay-dependent deficit in a delayed matching to sample (DMTS) task. PS2APP mice co-expressing hPS2mut and hAPPswe exhibit a spatial-temporal elevation in brain amyloid deposition and inflammation associated with temporal cognitive decline. The aim of the current study was to train PS2APP mice (C57BL/6J × DBA/2 mixed background) and appropriate control mice (B6D2F1 background) in a rodent delayed response task, the delayed matching to position (DMTP) task, prior to the onset of plaque formation and subsequently at 2–4 monthly intervals to investigate the effect of aging and increasing plaque load on DMTP performance. At 5 months of age (baseline) DMTP performance was equivalent with both PS2APP and control mice demonstrating a working memory curve across increasing delay intervals of 1–24 s. A comparison of PS2APP and control mice across ages revealed a selective age-related, delay-dependent, impairment on choice accuracy in PS2APP mice, consistent with the cognitive decline and temporal amyloidosis previously described for this mouse model. These data are also relevant for other conditional transgenic mouse models which allow time-sensitive induction or inhibition of gene expression such that mice can be trained to perform the task prior to activation or inactivation of the gene and tested thereafter.