
Dual role of B cells with accelerated onset but reduced disease activity in P0106–125-induced experimental autoimmune neuritis of IgH0/0 mice
Document Type
Academic Journal
Acta Neuropathologica. Nov 01, 2010 120(5):667-681
The role of B cells in autoimmune-mediated diseases of the peripheral nervous system was studied in experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) in B cell deficient IgH C57BL/6J mice having been immunized with P0106–125 peptide. Compared to coisogenic IgH mice, onset of EAN was accelerated [100% disease incidence at day 9 post immunization (p.i.) vs. day 15 p.i.]. At day 9 p.i., numbers of P0106–125-specific interferon (IFN)-γ-producing CD4 T cells were increased, while IL-10 mRNA and production were decreased in IgH mice. Beyond day 9 p.i., declining disease activity and a significant reduction of maximal disease activity were correlated with significantly reduced numbers of IFN-γ-producing CD4 T cells in IgH mice as compared with IgH mice. Correspondingly, neuropathology demonstrated only mild axonal damage, while demyelination and dying back axonopathy with spinal cord motor neuron apoptosis were absent. Thus, depending on the stage of EAN, B cells play a dual, i.e. suppressive and enhancing, role during induction and at height of EAN, respectively. The combined interaction of B cells as well as CD4 and CD8 T cells is required for the development of EAN.