
Examination of signalling pathways involved in muscarinic responses in bovine ciliary muscle using YM-254890, an inhibitor of the Gq/11 protein
Document Type
Academic Journal
British Journal of Pharmacology. Jun 01, 2008 154(4):890-900
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:: In the ciliary muscle, the tonic component of the contraction produced by cholinergic agonists is highly dependent on Ca provided by influx through non-selective cation channels (NSCCs) opened by stimulation of M3 muscarinic receptors. We examined effects of YM-254890 (YM), a Gq/11-specific inhibitor, on contraction, NSCC currents and [Ca]i elevation induced by carbachol (CCh). EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH:: Isometric tension was recorded from ciliary muscle bundles excised from bovine eyes. In ciliary myocytes dispersed with collagenase and cultured for 1–5 days, whole-cell currents were recorded by voltage clamp and the intracellular free Ca concentration [Ca]i was monitored using the Fluo-4 fluorophore. Existence and localization of M3 receptors and the α subunit of Gq/11 (Gαq/11) were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy using AlexaFluor-conjugated antibodies. KEY RESULTS:: Both phasic and tonic components of contractions evoked by 2 μM CCh were inhibited by YM (3–10 μM) in a dose-dependent manner. In the cultured cells, CCh (0.05–10 μM) evoked an NSCC current as well as an elevation of the [Ca]i. Both initial and sustained phases of these CCh-evoked responses were abolished by YM (3–10 μM). Immunostaining of the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane of ciliary myocytes revealed a dense distribution of M3 receptors and Gαq/11. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS:: The tonic as well as phasic component of the ciliary muscle contraction appears to be under control of signals conveyed by a Gq/11-coupled pathway. YM is a useful tool to assess whether Gq/11 is involved in a signal transduction system.