
The accuracy of delivery of target pressures using self-inflating bag manometers in a benchtop study
Document Type
Academic Journal
Acta Paediatrica. Jun 01, 2016 105(6):e247-e251
AIM:: We tested whether operators using manometers attached to self-inflating bags could accurately deliver set targeted peak inspiratory pressures (PIPs) compared to the Neopuff T-piece resuscitator (TPR). METHODS:: Participants provided positive pressure ventilation to a leak-free neonatal test lung at a rate of 60 inflations/min and a flow of 8 L/min. Participants used three manometers attached to self-inflating bags and a Neopuff TPR to target PIPs of 20, 30 and 40 cmH2O on each device. Mean PIPs delivered with each manometer were compared to the ‘gold standard’ Neopuff TPR. RESULTS:: In total, 13 991 inflations delivered by 20 participants were analysed. At all target PIPs, the mean PIP delivered using the Mercury Medical manometer attached to a Laerdal self-inflating bag was significantly higher by 5 cmH2O (p < 0.01) than the Neopuff TPR. The PIP delivered using both the Ambu and Parker Healthcare manometers attached to their respective devices was similar to that delivered by the Neopuff TPR at all targeted PIPs. CONCLUSION:: Accurately targeted PIPs can be achieved when a manometer specifically designed for use on a self-inflating bag is used during manual ventilation. This may be useful in settings where access to a Neopuff TPR or a gas flow source is limited.