
An Outbreak of Diarrhoea in One-week-old Piglets Caused by Group A Rotavirus Genotypes P[7],G3 and P[7],G5
Document Type
Academic Journal
Veterinary Research Communications. Sep 01, 2003 27(6):505-512
Thirty-two group A isolates of rotavirus detected in faecal samples from diarrhoeic piglets, were selected for P and G genotyping using a Multiplex RT-PCR. Ten isolates, from animals less than 8 days old, characterized an outbreak of diarrhoea caused by group A rotavirus in animals. P[7],G3 (CRW8-like) and P[7],G5 (OSU-like) genotypes were detected in 5 animals each. Isolates of a group A rotavirus of genotypes compatible with the OSU prototype were those most frequently identified in single infections in older animals (20/32 strains). In addition to these, 20 isolates from piglets with diarrhoea caused by group A rotavirus, collected between May 1998 and June 1999, but not from the outbreak month, were analysed. These isolates were used to compare the types observed on the farm outside the outbreak in May 1999 and the CRW8-like genotype was found in none of these faecal samples. P[7],G5 was the most frequent genotype (10/20 strains). No outbreak of diarrhoea caused by rotavirus in 1-week-old piglets was found in any other period during the 13 months of this study.