
Synergistic effect of nitric oxide and vasoactive intestinal peptide on bronchoprotection against histamine in anesthetized guinea pigs.
Document Type
Academic Journal
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Feb 01, 1997 155(2):747-750
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and nitric oxide (NO) are considered to be nonadrenergic, noncholinergic (NANC) inhibitory neurostransmitters in the airways. It seems likely that these neurotransmitters may be coreleased and act as functional antagonists against bronchoconstrictor stimuli. In the present study, we examined the synergistic effect of NO and VIP on bronchoprotection against histamine in anesthetized guinea pigs. The NO donor, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) significantly inhibited histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in a dose-dependent manner. VIP also inhibited histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in a dose-dependent manner, but this bronchoprotective effect was short-lived. Additionally, VIP (10(-9) M) had no significant bronchoprotective effect, but a subthreshold dose of SNAP (10(-7) M) significantly potentiated VIP (10(-9) M)-induced bronchoprotection against histamine. Moreover, SNAP (10(-7) M) significantly enhanced VIP (10(-7) M)-induced bronchoprotection for a longer period of time. On the other hand, VIP (10(-9) M) also significantly potentiated SNAP-induced bronchoprotection against histamine. In conclusion, combination therapy with NO donor and VIP receptor agonist may have important advantages in the treatment of bronchial asthma, and both NO and VIP may contribute in complementary fashion to the NANC-induced relaxant response in guinea pig airways.