
A novel function for the haemopoietic supportive murine bone marrow MS-5 mesenchymal stromal cell line in promoting human vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
Document Type
Academic Journal
British Journal of Haematology. May 01, 2012 157(3):299-311
The bone marrow contains specific microenvironmental stem cell niches that maintain haemopoiesis. CXCL12-expressing mesenchymal stromal cells are closely associated with the bone marrow sinusoidal endothelia, forming key elements of the haemopoietic stem cell niche, yet their ability to regulate endothelial function is not clearly defined. Given that the murine nestin cell line, MS-5, provides a clonal surrogate bone marrow stromal niche capable of regulating both murine and human primitive haemopoietic stem/progenitor cell (HSC/HPC) fate in vitro, we hypothesized that MS-5 cells might also support new blood vessel formation and function. Here, for the first time, we demonstrate that this is indeed the case. Using proteome arrays, we identified HSC/HPC active angiogenic factors that are preferentially secreted by haemopoietic supportive nestinMS-5 cells, including CXCL12 (SDF-1), NOV (CCN3), HGF, Angiopoietin-1 and CCL2 (MCP-1). Concentrating on CXCL12, we confirmed its presence in MS-5 conditioned media and demonstrated that its antagonist in receptor binding, AMD-3100, which mobilizes HSC/HPCs and endothelial progenitors from bone marrow, could significantly reduce MS-5 mediated human vasculogenesis in vitro, principally by regulating human endothelial cell migration. Thus, the clonal nestinMS-5 murine bone marrow stromal cell line not only promotes human haemopoiesis but also induces human vasculogenesis, with CXCL12 playing important roles in both processes.