
The transcriptional regulator ADNP links the BAF (SWI/SNF) complexes with autism
Document Type
Academic Journal
American Journal Of Medical Genetics - C. Sep 01, 2014 166(3):315-326
Mutations in ADNP were recently identified as a frequent cause of syndromic autism, characterized by deficits in social communication and interaction and restricted, repetitive behavioral patterns. Based on its functional domains, ADNP is a presumed transcription factor. The gene interacts closely with the SWI/SNF complex by direct and experimentally verified binding of its C-terminus to three of its core components. A detailed and systematic clinical assessment of the symptoms observed in our patients allows a detailed comparison with the symptoms observed in other SWI/SNF disorders. While the mutational mechanism of the first 10 patients identified suggested a gain of function mechanism, an 11th patient reported here is predicted haploinsufficient. The latter observation may raise hope for therapy, as addition of NAP, a neuroprotective octapeptide named after the first three amino acids of the sequence NAPVSPIQ, has been reported by others to ameliorate some of the cognitive abnormalities observed in a knockout mouse model. It is concluded that detailed clinical and molecular studies on larger cohorts of patients are necessary to establish a better insight in the genotype phenotype correlation and in the mutational mechanism. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.