
Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow Findings in Patients with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Document Type
Academic Journal
Pathology. Jan 01, 1990 22(4):206-211
In 4 years (1984–1987), 183 bone marrow examinations were performed on 155 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody positive patients. One hundred and fifty three had category IV AIDS. One-third of the marrows yielded specific information. This included opportunistic infection, in particular Mycobacterium Avium Intracellular Complex (MAI) (24%), malignancy (4%), consistent with ITP (9%) and iron deficiency (1%).In the remaining two thirds of the bone marrows the most frequent non-specific abnormalities were dyserythropoiesis, erythroid hypoplasia, reticuloendothelial iron block, granulomas, lymphoid aggregates, plasmacytosis and histiocytosis. Common peripheral blood findings were anemia, lymphopenia, anisocy-tosis, rouleaux and atypical lymphocytes.Peripheral blood and bone marrow examinations on 16 patients on AZT are included. These patients have more pronounced blood and bone marrow abnormalities.The causes of these abnormalities are multifactorial and include low T4 levels, severe viral and other infections and therapy with marrow toxic drugs.