
Reconstructing fluvial bar surfaces from compound cross-strata and the interpretation of bar accretion direction in large river deposits
Document Type
Academic Journal
Sedimentology. Apr 01, 2016 63(3):609-628
The interpretation of fluvial styles from the rock record is based for a significant part on the identification of different types of fluvial bars, characterized by the geometric relationship between structures indicative of palaeocurrent and surfaces interpreted as indicative of bar form and bar accretion direction. These surfaces of bar accretion are the boundaries of flood-related bar increment elements, which are typically less abundant in outcrops than what would be desirable, particularly in large river deposits in which each flood mobilizes large volumes of sediment, causing flood-increment boundary surfaces to be widely spaced. Cross-strata set boundaries, on the other hand, are abundant and indirectly reflect the process of unit bar accretion, inclined due to the combined effect of the unit bar surface inclination and the individual bedform climbing angle, in turn controlled by changes in flow structure caused by local bar-scale morphology. This work presents a new method to deduce the geometry of unit bar surfaces from measured pairs of cross-strata and cross-strata set boundaries. The method can be used in the absence of abundant flood-increment bounding surfaces; the study of real cases shows that, for both downstream and laterally accreting bars, the reconstructed planes are very similar to measured bar increment surfaces.