
Bridging the gap between public health and primary care in prevention of cardiometabolic diseases; background of and experiences with the Prevention Consultation in The Netherlands
Document Type
Academic Journal
Family Practice. Apr 01, 2012 29(suppl_1 Suppl 1):i126-i131
Background. There is an increasing need for programmatic prevention of cardiometabolic diseases (cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease). Therefore, in the Netherlands, a prevention programme linked to primary care has been developed. This initiative was supported by the national professional organizations of GPs and occupational physicians as well as three large health foundations.Objectives. To describe and discuss the content, structure of and first experiences with this initiative.Methods. Description of context, risk assessment tool, guideline, content of the Prevention Consultation and pilot studies.Results. Preceding surveys revealed a need for proactive disease prevention, linked to primary care. An evidence-based guideline was developed using a validated eight-question screening list. According to the guideline, high-risk participants were advised to attend two consultations at the general practice, for completing the risk assessment and for tailored advice. Three pilot studies revealed that the programme was feasible and that (sufficient) participants with a condition requiring treatment were detected. We learned that with a ‘passive’ recruitment (with only posters and brochures), screening uptake is limited. A more active approach with a personal invitation from the GP is more effective. Both an Internet as written questionnaire should be available and reminders are necessary. The need for a consultation with the GP practice after a high-risk test result should be emphasized. The first consultation can be performed by a practice nurse.Conclusions. A national systematic screening programme for cardiometabolic diseases linked to primary care is feasible. The cost-effectiveness still has to be established.