
Maternal component in the familial aggregation of hypertension
Document Type
Academic Journal
Clinical Genetics. Jul 01, 2001 60(1):13-21
To assess maternal versus paternal contributions to the familial aggregation of hypertension, we examined family history data from 344 hypertensive probands (69 African American, 153 US Caucasian, 122 Greek Caucasian) ascertained without respect to parental hypertension status. The proportion of hypertensive mothers (81.7, 65.0 and 84.8% for African Americans, US Caucasians and Greek Caucasians, respectively) of these probands was significantly greater than the proportion of hypertensive fathers (50.0, 44.9 and 48.3%, respectively) in all three ethnic groups. The lifetime risk of hypertension was significantly greater for mothers compared with fathers of these hypertensive probands (p < 0.001). Examination of the proband's siblings indicated that maternal history of hypertension was associated with greater lifetime risk for hypertension than paternal history (p < 0.01). In conclusion, we observe a consistent maternal component in the inheritance of hypertension. Although we cannot separate a maternal genetic from epigenetic or environmental effect, our findings suggest that genetic research should include studies of the mitochondrial as well as nuclear genome. Furthermore, when assessing a patient's risk for hypertension, particular attention should be paid to the maternal family history.