
Interspecific pollen transfer as a mechanism of competition: effect of Castilleja linariaefolia pollen on seed set of Ipomopsis aggregata
Document Type
Academic Journal
Canadian Journal of Botany. May 01, 2000 78(5):600-606
We investigated whether the deposition of Castilleja linariaefolia (Pursh) V. Grant pollen on flowers of Ipomopsis aggregata (Benth.) in DC. reduced I. aggregataʼs seed set. Ipomopsis flowers were hand-pollinated with either pure conspecific pollen (the control) or with C. linariaefolia pollen applied prior to, simultaneously with, or following conspecific pollen. Flowers that were simultaneously given C. linariaefolia and I. aggregata pollen received 39% less conspecific pollen than flowers in the control, but did not set fewer seeds per fruit. Flowers that were given C. linariaefolia pollen first received 30% less conspecific pollen and set 38% fewer seeds per fruit than the control. These results suggest that there is a priority effect; deposition of C. linariaefolia pollen on I. aggregata flowers results in competition, but only when C. linariaefolia pollen is deposited first. Unlike pollen of another competitor of I. aggregata(Delphinium nelsonii Greene. Per.), C. linariaefolia pollen caused competition without inducing an increased rate of stigma closure. Only 12% of I. aggregataʼs stigmas closed when C. linariaefolia pollen was deposited, and seed set of I. aggregata was reduced relative to the control whether their stigmas closed or not. The low rate at which C. linariaefolia pollen induces closure of I. aggregataʼs stigmas could be an adaptation to reduce the negative effects of competition.