
mir-24 activity propagates stress-induced senescence by down regulating DNA topoisomerase 1
Document Type
Academic Journal
Experimental Gerontology. Mar 01, 2016 75 Suppl C:48-52
ABSTRACT: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a group of small non-coding executor RNAs. Their function as key modulators of cellular senescence has been widely recognized recently. By cross-comparing several human aging models we previously identified dozens of miRNAs being differentially regulated during aging. Here the functions of two miRNAs, mir-24 and mir-424, were investigated in an oxidative stress-induced fibroblast premature senescence model. Using pre-miRNA precursors, miRNAs were overexpressed in cells undergoing premature senescence induced by oxidative stress. More senescent cells were observed in mir-24 transfected cells. p53 was upregulated in mir-24 overexpressing cells, but downregulated in mir-424 overexpressing cells. DNA topoisomerase I (TOP1), an enzyme controlling DNA topology, was identified as a target of mir-24, whose expression was induced by oxidative stress. Knocking down TOP1 induced cellular senescence. These results suggest that mir-24 activity propagates stress-induced senescence by down regulating TOP1.