
Characterization of plasmids carrying the blaOXA-24/40 carbapenemase gene and the genes encoding the AbkA/AbkB proteins of a toxin/antitoxin system
Document Type
Academic Journal
Mosqueda, NoraidaGato, EvaRoca, IgnasiLópez, Maríade Alegría, Carlos RuízFernández Cuenca, FelipeMartínez-Martínez, LuisPachón, JerónimoCisneros, José MiguelRodríguez-Baño, JesúsPascual, ÁlvaroVila, JordiBou, GermánTomás, MaríaGarnacho, JoséPizarraya, Antonio GutierrezMárquez Vácaro, Juan AntonioCano, María EliecerFariñas, M. CarmenPorto, Antonio SánchezMeruendano, Gloria EstebanVales, Luis BarbeytoCiria, Javier CasasVallejo, LuisPérez, Begona FernándezChao, José Carlos VillarOrtega, Belén PadillaMansilla, Emilia CercenadoIrure, José Javier Garcíadel Arco Jiménez, AlfonsoCardona, Concepción GimenoValía, Juan CarlosPalop, Núria TormoAbril, VicenteRifa, JosefinaJesus, MariaGarcia, MartinezPujals, Joseph VilaróAguirre, Marian NavarroVilamala, AnaAlfaro, José Antonio JiménezJaca, Carlos ReviejoCasanova, Pilar MarínGuerreo, FranciscaShaw, EvelynPlasencia, VirginiaMayoral, Teresa NebredaCalavia, María José Fernándezde Cruz, Susana GarcíaMansilla, Carmen Aldeade Lucas, Esperanza MerinoZorraquino, AlfredoBañuls, Sergio ReusEseverri, Eugenio GardunoSánchez, Luis LópezGutiérrez, Ana FleitesGuardado, Azucena RodríguezMoreno, AlfonsoAnguera, José María García-ArenzanaPalmero, Serafín LópezMaresca, Manuel RodríguezGarrote, Fernando GarcíaOtero, José Vareladel Pilar Alonso, MaríaVerdú, Elisa VidalLópez, Fernando RodríguezSánchez, Fernanda PardoVizoso, E. FerrerGarcia, B. RegueiroGurgui, MercéPericas, RoserPomar, VirginiaAstigarraga, Pedro María OlaecheaIgartua, Rafael AyarzaRomero, María Dolores Maciáde Gopegui Bordes, Enrique RuizRomero, María Isabel SánchezMata, Jesús GarcíaGoyanes, María JoséMateos, Cristina MoralesQuero, José HernándezLara, Trinidad EscobarBastardie, Frederic BallesterIftimie, SimonaBajador, Isabel PujolNavarro, María Isabel GalánGurrea, María Luz CádizAntequera, Carmen AmoresGómez, MontserratCantudo, PurificaciónSalas, Carmina MartíPeragosa, Jordi CuquetFlores, Antonio MorenoGarcía, Luis AnibarroReal, Susana HernandoGonzález, Pablo A. CarreroGonzález, María Angeles PallarésFernández, Sergio RodríguezRojo, Miquel PujolTubau, FeAlvarez, Enrique NunoTorres, María OrtegaAlmaraz, Salvador GinerCastelló, María Rosa RocaCastillo, ManuelaHortelano, ElenaSánchez, Fernando ChavesReyne, Ana GarcíaGallego, Juan Pablo HorcajadaSegura, ConchaDorado, Gema SierraEscudero, Raquel YanoHung, María Elena Dortadel Rosario Q, Cristóbal
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Oct 01, 2014 69(10):2629-2633
BACKGROUND: Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAb) is a major source of nosocomial infections in Spain associated with the production of OXA-58-like or OXA-24/40-like β-lactamase enzymes. We analysed the plasmids carrying the blaOXA-24/40-like gene in CRAb isolates obtained a decade apart. METHODS: The presence of β-lactamases was screened for by PCR (metallo-β-lactamases, carbapenem-hydrolysing class D β-lactamases, GES and KPC) in 101 CRAb isolates obtained in two multicentre studies (GEIH/REIPI-Ab-2000 and GEIH/REIPI-Ab-2010; n = 493 Acinetobacter spp). We analysed the distribution and characterization of the plasmids carrying the blaOXA-24/40-like gene and sequenced two plasmids, AbATCC223p (2000) and AbATCC329p (2010) from A. baumannii ATCC 17978 transformants. RESULTS: Acquisition of the blaOXA-24/40-like gene was the main mechanism underlying resistance to carbapenems (48.7% in 2000 compared with 51.6% in 2010). This gene was mainly isolated in ST2 A. baumannii strains in both studies, although some novel STs (ST79 and ST80) appeared in 2010. The gene was located in plasmids (8–12 kbp) associated with the repAci2 or repAci2/repGR12 types. The sequences of AbATCC223p (8840 bp) and AbATCC329p (8842 bp) plasmids were similar, particularly regarding the presence of the genes encoding the AbkA/AbkB proteins associated with the toxin/antitoxin system. Moreover, the abkA/abkB gene sequences (>96% identity) were also located in plasmids harbouring the blaOXA-58-like gene. CONCLUSIONS: The action of OXA-24/40 and OXA-58 β-lactamase-like enzymes represents the main mechanism underlying resistance to carbapenems in Spain in the last decade. AbkA/AbkB proteins in the toxin/antitoxin system may be involved in the successful dissemination of plasmids carrying the blaOXA-24/40-like gene, and probably also the blaOXA-58-like gene, thus contributing to the plasmid stability.