
P284Coronary flow analysis after acute myocardial infarction: are there differences in conventional echocardiographic parameters in patients with microvascular dysfunction?
Document Type
Academic Journal
European Journal of Echocardiography. Dec 01, 2011 12(suppl_2 Suppl 2):ii14-ii44
Background: Assessment of distal left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) flow after reperfused acute myocardial infarction (AMI) may provide important insights in myocardial reperfusion assessment and microcirculatory dysfunction. However, its relation to other echocardiographic parameters describing left ventricular (LV) function after AMI is not well established.Aim: To evaluate LAD flow pattern after reperfused AMI and to analyze its relation with other echocardiographic parameters.Methods: 53 patients (pts) without known coronary artery disease (CAD), 42 men, m=58.5±13.1y, with ST-elevation AMI submitted to primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) 9.8±14.3 hours after the beginning of symptoms. Fibrinolytic therapy was administered in 4pts before PCI and percutaneous thrombus aspiration was achieved in 18pts. A complete transthoracic echocardiogram with LAD flow evaluation was performed between the second and fifth day (m=3.6±1.9days) after the PCI. We evaluated demographic, clinical, angio and echocardiographic parameters [right and left ventricular (LV) function, LV deformation and volumes, filling patterns] between two groups: LAD deceleration time below and above 600ms (A and B respectively), the accepted cut-off value defining microvascular obstruction after recanalization. Therapeutic strategies were compared. We also assessed cardiovascular outcomes between both groups at 18.1±11.2months of follow-up after the event.Results: 37pts (69.8%) had LAD criteria for microvascular dysfunction after PCI (mean deceleration time=266.6±ms, peak flow velocity 42.1±22.9m/s and coronary flow systolic inversion in 4pts). In this group of pts, LV ejection fraction was significantly depressed as compared to group B (85.7% with LV ejection fraction <50% vs. none; p=0.001). We also found significant differences in the wall motion score index (1.77±0.23 vs. 1.55±0.33; p=0.008), global longitudinal strain (-10.41±2.41% vs. -12.62±3.23; p=0.032) and E wave deceleration time (166.6±44.2 vs. 206.9±56.2; p=0.018). Neither fibrinolytic therapy nor thrombectomy and time to PCI were different among the groups. Cardiovascular outcome was also not different among.Conclusion: In these patients with AMI, microvascular dysfunction as assessed by non-invasive coronary flow pattern was associated with several criteria of worse LV performance.