
Info-metric Methods for the Estimation of Models with Group-Specific Moment Conditions
Document Type
Andrews, Martyn, author; Hall, Alastair R., author; Khatoon, Rabeya, author; Lincoln, James, author
Advances in Info-Metrics : Information and Information Processing across Disciplines, 2020.
repeated cross-sectional data
pseudo-panel methods
generalized empirical likelihood
generalized method of moments
Motivated by empirical analyses in economics using repeated cross-sectional data, we propose info-metric methods (IM) for estimation of the parameters of statistical models based on the information in population moment conditions that hold at group level. The info-metric estimation can be viewed as the primary approach to a constrained optimization. The estimators can also be obtained via the dual approach to this optimization, known as generalized empirical likelihood (GEL). In Andrews, Hall, Khatoon and Lincoln (2019), we provide a comprehensive framework for inference based on GEL with the grouped-specific moment conditions. In this chapter, we compare the computational requirements of the primary and dual approaches. We also describe the IM/GEL inference framework in the context of a linear regression model that is estimated using the information that the mean of the error is zero for each group. For the latter setting, we use analytical arguments and a small simulation study to compare the properties of IM/GEL-based inferences to those of inferences based on certain extant methods. The IM/GEL methods are illustrated through an application to estimation of the returns to education in which the groups are defined via information on family background.

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