
Bugiardini, Giulio or Giuliano di Piero di Simone
Document Type
Reference Entry
Benezit Dictionary of Artists, 2011, ill.
Italian, 16th century, male. Born 1475, near Florence; died 1554, in Florence. Painter. Religious subjects, portraits. Florentine School. There are diverging views about this artist. His talent as a painter is disputed as much as is his life. Some historians see originality where others see a kind of imitation of the concepts and processes of painters like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Albertinelli and Raphael. The friendship that would link him all of his life to Michelangelo seems to have been reciprocated, despite their quarrels. Vasari had a poor opinion of Bugiardini, and quotes Michelangelo in support of his assessment, while Lanzi, taking a more measured view, sees Vasari's harsh judgement as tinged by jealousy. Bugiardini and Michelangelo met in the Medici's gardens, where they both studied, and which may be called the 'school' of the San Marco garden. Later, they were both members of the workshop of Domenico Ghirlandaio....