
Castiglione family
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
Castiglione family
Italian family of artists. Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione was one of the greatest and most influential Genoese artists of the mid-17th century. Salvatore Castiglione, his brother, acted as his secretary and produced some etchings, while his son Giovanni Francesco Castiglione imitated his style in rustic and bucolic scenes. Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto [il Grechetto] Castiglione, Salvatore Castiglione, Giovanni Francesco DBI [incl. bibliog. on Giovanni Benedetto and Salvatore]; Int. Dict. A. & ArtistsR. Soprani: Vite (1674); enlarged, ed. C. G. Ratti (1768–9)N. Pio: Vite (1724); ed. C. Enggass and R. Enggass (1977)C. G. Ratti: Istruzione di quanto puo vedersi di pui bello in Genova (Genoa, 1766)A. Calabi: ‘The Monotypes of Gio. Benedetto Castiglione’, Print Collector’s Quarterly, 10 (1923), pp. 223–53A. Calabi: ‘Castiglione’s Monotypes: A Supplement’, Print Collector’s Quarterly, 12 (1925), pp. 435–42G. Delogu: G. B. Castiglione, detto il Grechetto (Bologna, 1928)A. Calabi: ‘Castiglione’s Monotypes: A Second Supplement’, ...