
Pre-Columbian South America: Greater Central America
Document Type
Reference Entry
Barnes, Trenton D., author; Bray, Warwick, author; Brotherston, Gordon, author; Bruhns, Karen Olsen, author; Conklin, William J., author; Heid, Joseph, contributor; Jones, Ursula, author; Lange, Frederick W., author; Loten, H. Stanley, author; Lunt, Sara, author; McLeod, Madeline, contributor; Pillsbury, Joanne, author; Seiler-Baldinger, Annemarie, author
Oxford Art Online, 2023, ill.
Pre-Columbian South America: Greater Central America
This area comprises Isthmian or lower Central America (modern Panama and parts of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras) and northern areas of the South American subcontinent (parts of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador). However, definitions for this cultural area have been subject to more debate than those of the adjacent Mesoamerican or Andean regions. Temporally, there are many competing models for developmental periods or horizons within the region that have been tailored to fit sub-cultures. Models that describe the region as a whole can only be applied tentatively. Nor should geographic definitions of the region be rigidly applied, owing to the clear evidence of cultural and artistic influences from the Mesoamerican and Andean regions at their respective areas of contact with Greater Central America. Lange and Stone (1984) have argued that it is the area’s internal diversity across many centuries that serves as its strongest defining attribute. See also...